About ME

My name is Daniel Chukwuemeka Arisa

I am first-gen creative from Houston,TX.

I’ve worked in tech companies, a law firm, and created a radio show.  

Today, I create content for social media, and copyright (sales pages, newsletters, Facebook ADS, and social media posts), and I am a DJ.

My work has been featured by acts from Jimmy Jam, to Julie Benz, to Henry Winkler. 

I am a lone traveler of life, an observer in a world that rewards impulse. My unique perspective due to my experiences in life has afforded me an outlook that fuels my creative endeavors. 

My no-nonsense approach to life and work is what people in my life have credited to my success in many different creative fields.

During the pandemic, my eyes were opened to the veneer of life, I finally saw behind the veil in the way I had been trying to my whole life, and the ideas I had about life were codified into a cohesive worldview that I have tested through hours of study, listening to people way smarter than me, and conversations with successful people. 

The bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge without power.- Lex Luthor this is my philosophy.

I am at a point in life where I want…where I need the fuel to power my creative endeavors.