Renaissance, Recession, Relativity

My descent inward into week two’s swirling thoughts

JUN 31 2022

Slack, Zoom, Discord, Meets. All tenets of the modern workplace. I say I hate them to myself, but I hate the alternative more if I’m being honest with myself. And this is my life now. This is what I wanted right? The elusive remote work life that is so glorified. Quit your job and find your passion Beyoncé says, as she rides a pale white horse and calls this period renaissance while most call it recession. Btw recession is transitory, but doesn’t exist, but is Putins fault, but is natural. I feel the fever pitch rising. That’s why I took a break from social media during the week. Because my life is hard enough without the manipulation and fear porn. The world is going to end every five minutes and I see what it’s doing to people. Its pushing people to be tackless and brash in the form of “being themselves” or “transparent”… all words that mean nothing to me anymore. I see through it all and I know that people do what serves them. It pushes my classmates to put their code challenge scores in the chat. Maybe it’s the private school kid in me, but that seems tacky. In private school it was so competitive that people would have straight A’s and not say anything for the competitive edge. Wouldn’t a simple I passed suffice? I mean, anyway I look at it that’s a strange course of action, but what am I surprised about? Why am I so surprised when people act like people? I’m always looking for something more in people, in life. 25 years (almost 26) I’ve never found anything more. All I’ve found is that self serving actions are what fly. And guarding your heart is vital to survival.

I know I’m just upset I didn’t pass. My code worked for the first deliverable, then 15 minutes before stop time, just stopped. Makes me feel pretty crappy. It’s hard for me to let people in and I had to ask a classmate for help. Which meant admitting failure. Something that is particularly hard for me to do.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m really human. My behavioral analyst sister says that it’s the ADHD that makes me the way I am. But I hate attributing anything to anything that is used to manipulate or make excuses for myself. But there is definitely something different about me. I get irritated at everything, and Im not sure if I should be irritated or not. I take changes in my life hard, while being stagnant is physically painful to me. And I take everything personally.

These last few months I've been doing deep work on myself, breathing exercises, and limiting interactions with Negative people. and I thought that it would all culminate into a perfect me. I guess I have a ways more to go before i reach some semblance of peace in my life.

I toss on that tik tok song as the world caves in, and sit back and watch. But I’ve decided even if the world burns, mine won’t until I’m done with my mission. Until I see the other side of all of this. And see who I’ll be when things are better for me.